Windows & Doors

Windows & Doors

Unfortunately, there are still many homes throughout Southern California that do not have any energy efficient upgrades. These services are only beneficial to you and will help save you a lot of money in the long run. Did we mention that these upgrades are excellent for the environment we live in? By consuming less energy, we are helping to shape a better future for our loved ones. We make sure to build every current home with green materials so that our clients will be completely satisfied with the outcome. 

Energy efficient windows & doors: if your home is over ten years old, you most likely do not have energy efficient upgrades. By making the switch to new windows and doors for your property, you are already saving money. Here is why you should consider this:

  1. Old windows and doors can cause air leaks. Even if you do not see any air leaks, they are most likely there. Because they were installed long ago, they most likely are not as sturdy and sealed tight as new ones would be. Air can leak in and out of your windows and doors at any given time.
  2. Old windows and doors can have your HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air condition) system working much harder to produce quality air temperatures at home. Because outside air is seeping through your poorly-sealed windows, it can interfere with your HVAC when turned on. This can confuse your system, and have it working harder to produce cooler or hotter temperatures, resulting in higher energy bills.
  3. Old windows and doors may not be as safe. With reliable and strong new upgrades, you can securely lock your doors at night knowing burglars and intruders cannot enter your home.
  4. New Windows block out outside noise. If you are tired of hearing maintenance workers early in the morning or loud cars driving by, you won’t have this issue any longer.
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